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Students and OFWs: Earn Extra Income by Writing Online Articles

What if you don’t have to leave your family and still earn dollars? Or what if you shorten your time away from your family by earning extra income as an OFW (Overseas Filipino Workers)? I’m going to share with you how.

Can you write? Or do you love to write? You can earn by writing online articles. It is a great alternative to applying for a job abroad as OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) or at least, earning while you wait for your chance to leave. Earning money is not the only goal of writing online articles but it’s definitely one good reason to try the job. I’d like to specifically discuss it on this post.

I was just trying to look for a place on the web to post my products when I stumbled upon “online jobs”. I clicked on the links and found (aside from malware and suspicious files) hundreds and hundreds of possible income from the web. Writing online articles got most of my attention.

It was surprising to know that there are a number of Filipinos writing online articles today. I surfed further and landed on a post (I called it a testimonial back then. I did not know anything about posts at the time) of a doctor who stopped seeing patients and wrote articles to get paid dollars. Her link introduced me to a bidding site for online jobs. It was an entirely new world for me and apart from the tips I got from that post I did not have any idea what to do. But I tried, and I’m on!

How do you go about it? The following platforms will get you started slowly but will surely teach you how to get there:

Bidding Sites. Thank God, I joined Freelancer.Com. It’s a site where you just register using an e-mail address and post some of your skills, experiences, and portfolio. Then you place a bid on projects you like. I didn’t win projects right away. You usually need to bid at least 15 times before you get your first job. I got mine after three bid attempts. I’ll tell you how to do it on my next posts. I had three clients on my first week.

Pay isn’t much when you’re just starting, but sites such as Freelancer.Com, Elance.Com, Scriptlance.Com, oDesk.Com can prove a good launching, and can train you on the following:

  • Knowing how to market yourself as a freelance writer and get the best jobs
  • Learning how to choose the best clients and knowing how to deal with them
  • Learning to write for the web (it’s a world different from other media)
  • Keeping up with submissions and deadlines
  • Learning about secure payment transactions
  • Maximizing your income potential

Blogging for money.  A few years ago, bloggers are just people who post their journals online but blogging have evolved from being more than just personal daily journals and musings. There are bloggers earning significant income from ads, reviews, marketing and a lot more things. We are also going to talk about this on my next posts. Money is not a problem at all if you want to start. Top free blogging sites are WordPress.Com and Blogger.Com, followed by many others. Surf over Google if you want to learn more about free blogging sites or platforms.

Profit through ghostwriting. It is basically writing a book or an article and not getting credit for it except cash. Well, kind of writing for just cash but it’s actually more than that.

A ghostwriter uses the voice of his client who can either be a company, an individual writer, or any form of business. You may find it kind of rude to let others take the credit for your hard-earned article. But after fully understanding this job, I began to look for an opportunity. Ghostwriting jobs pay around $20 to $200 per page. Some ghostwriters earn $1,000 to $2,000 per project. You can earn as much as you roll.

On my next posts, we are going to talk more specifically about these platforms but for now I want you to start doing something. Go to Google and find the sites I mentioned. See where you would want to start with your online writing career and get a feel of what I’m talking about. Should you need to ask some questions, or have any comments and suggestions, place them on the comment box below and like me on Facebook so we can talk. Following me on Twitter would be wonderful, too.

I believe in the wonderful gifts God gave us Filipinos. Filipinos write well. You will see when you start doing this job. I believe in you!

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29 thoughts on “Students and OFWs: Earn Extra Income by Writing Online Articles

  1. Online jobs such as this one has been making it’s way for sometime now. It’s really a great way to earn extra income specially for stay at home moms like me. I started ghostwriting last year and it has helped me put my kid to school. I was able to pay for my son’s tuition and still spend time with him after school hours. It can be a full-time job for some but for me I am happy with doing it part time for now.

    • Awesome comment, Anne. Earning extra income while taking care of our kids is such a brilliant idea. Writing online articles is a great opportunity for stay at home moms to keep doing what they love and maximizing their potentials.

  2. Great article! A great way to earn extra money or it might even be the only money one uses to bring in.

  3. You offer some great tips on how to make money through your writing and all in the comfort of your own home. I think more importantly, you are showing people who might not think they have much opportunity available to them a way out of their financial situation. Great job.

  4. You taught me something new today – didn`t know how this was done! Cool tips too… Thanks! x0x
    The LEARNED Preneur @ NormaDoiron.NET

    • Thanks for appreciating, Norma. Having to start from scratch is tough for an aspiring online writer. But simple beginnings teach us valuable principles. I’m sure you’ve learned a great deal of things also as you went about your business. Learnings are precious!

  5. Great article! Thanks for the ideas!

  6. Your blog article is a testimony in itself. It’s wonderful that you unknowingly landed in what has proved to be a profitable source of income for you. Thank you for sharing your experience; it is an encouragement to others looking for ways to increase their income.

    • Thanks, Kim. I’m happy to know that my experience can encourage others. Opportunities are indeed around us. Right now, people are beginning to ask me more about writing online articles because they also want to start doing this kind of job.

  7. Thank you for sharing ~ great ideas! People may see a great opportunity in creating additional income through writing! :0

  8. Wonderful ways to create income from your home. This was really helpful. Thanks!

  9. great article— did you coin the term OFW or is it widely known? this is my first time hearing it, but then again I don’t happen to know a lot of Filipinos. Happy to get to know you via the YCD group!

  10. Great ideas for workers wanting to get started with some at-home/online jobs. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  11. Great article and tips. Thanks so much for sharing. There are many that are looking for online jobs and writing is an excellent start.

  12. There is certainly a demand for writers out there. I know a lot of people who hate to create their own content and outsource it to places like those you mention. Your article is a great resource for those with good writing skills who are looking to earn some extra money.

  13. That’s right!

  14. If this is for real, boy, I need to do this. Problem is, two of my computers already crashed and not repairable due to online marketing ploys I checked and wham, dead computers. 😦

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