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Seven Things that Can Make You an Expert Writer

Are you hesitant to share what you know because you don’t consider yourself an expert? Do you have to wait until everybody calls you that way?

Most people have great potential but are so hesitant to do something about it because nobody calls them an expert. But what makes a person an expert in any particular field? Read on and gain the confidence you need to do as much as you can starting today.

  1. Knowledge

You definitely know a lot. What particular things do you know which can help others? Can you show this in a way that can benefit them?

Your simple knowledge can add value to the life of others. When you show fellow moms how to bake bread, how to discipline kids, how to clean up their mess and organize their stuff, you become an expert. You will know it when they come to you and ask about how you do something.

Your knowledge may seem too small and insignificant to you, but once you treasure it and treat it with value and improves it, it becomes an expertise that people are willing to pay for.

  1. Focus

Of all the things you know, what makes you talk most of the time? A drummer will usually tap his fingers on almost anything and create rhythms and sound patterns. A parent will always talk about his kids. A lover talks about his dinner dates most of the time. A sales person talks about sales even while having lunch.

What do you keep talking about? What fuels your interest? What generates your enthusiasm? Your passion is the best thing you can be an expert on.

  1. Experience

No two experiences are alike. This is why we can learn from the experiences of others and likewise. What you have gone through are unique experiences from which perspectives, steps and tips can be drawn to help others. Treasure them. Formulate lessons from them. Observe how certain things were done successfully and what things failed. These can form guidelines for others to follow or get an idea from. And because your experience is unique, it makes you an expert.

  1. Action

Having all the knowledge and ideas is nothing if you don’t act about them. Your idea is no good until you act on it. A lot real good guys with very good ideas never succeed because of inactivity. It’s not knowledge that eventually makes you an expert. It’s knowledge that works both for you and your target audience.

Make your knowledge work by making it available for everyone to use. Make an eBook out of it, post it on a blog, tweet about it, and post it on social media, or make a video out of it.

  1. Selling

This is what most writers are afraid of. Sell your ideas and experiences. Sell yourself. Unless you let it out in the open, people will never know you have something worthwhile to offer. You may have noticed that a lot of people out there are not even better than you. The only difference is they sell their stuff and you don’t.

You cannot earn a following without first selling yourself. What you know to be very simple stuff can already be a big help to some people and they will be willing to pay for it.

  1. Value

Having an expertise is one thing. Adding value to it is another. How can you make your offer better? How can you make your readers feel you are giving them advantage and that you care for them? Continue to improve on your knowledge and skills and keep learning for better and better results. This will keep followers coming for more.

  1. Service

Helping others is what gives meaning to what we do. If you fail to make it a point, you will not serve your purpose. Your knowledge and experiences are designed to make the life of others better. Seek to find more ways to serve your followers and continually think of their welfare. This always works both ways. The better you serve your audience, the more they will come back to you.

Don’t wait until someone calls you an expert before you do something. Start acting now and write as an expert writer does.

Want to add something? Click on my comment link and shoot. Experts and non-experts welcome. Thanks.

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